The Manifest / Books / Texts

Manifest, Book, Writings, Texts

( Documents inPDF formate, about, 50 KB big)
«The Synopsis» or the Synopsism a new aesthetic and art direction

Manifesto by Suzanne E. Baumann

«Power and Secret»

Marmor Stein und Eisen bricht.... (Marble Stone and Iron brackes)


Letter To Esther Altorfer (about 2 MB)

Suzanne Baumann Werke Sammlung (Works Collection)

Letter to Meret Oppenheim

Die kleine Weltausstellung(The Small Wold Exhibition)

NINA SIMONE: pictures of a moved life

Towards the Garden of Worlds («Zum Weltengarten»)

History of Developement


Published and unreleased
  • Journals, Notes to Life
  • The Time in Marfeldingen, hommage and meetings in the garden
  • Shortstories (Power and Secret) 1989 Texts and Images
  • Texts for Esther Altorfer (Catalogue, Kunstmuseum, Bern) 1989
  • Texte to Esther Altorfer (Fingerlebenszeitvergrösser) 1990
  • Texts for May Fasnacht ( Power and Secrets) and partly unreleased)
  • Texts to and for Meret Oppenheim 1986/89 (Power and Secret)+1993(unreleased)
  • Texte for Nina Simone 1986/ 1989/90 (Power and Secret)
  • Nina Simone; "Pictures of a moved life" 1989-2003
  • Lectures: "Bedürfnis nach einer Gesamtheit" (Requirement for Entirety(1993)
  • Texts: Dialogue with animals
  • reflections about artistic, literary and other works,biographies and the receptory of the society
  • Letters (private)
  • Texts: What is Solidarity
  • Manifesto on Synopsism
  • Reflections towards Culture
Further writings in preparation and developement:
  • Texts about Vitebsk and Meetings with Belarus 1995-2005
  • Texts to "die kleine Weltausstellung" (The Small World Exhibition)1993-2005
  • Texts about (Developmentstory and origin, thematic cycles)
  • treatise to the "Energy-Tower" or Tower of Synopis and Love 1995-2005
  • Texts: All sorts /to the workday/to the night/ poems
  • Essays to the research on Synopsim, synoptic thinking. Forschungstätigkeit Synopsismus , synoptisches Denken (Theory,und Practice, a new art-direction g)1971-2005
  • Texts of insights/ small recoveries7 and beauty 1999
  • What is the truth t (?) 1996-2003
  • Texts : the society-trap2001-2004
  • Diversity
Also in Preperation:
  • A Kriminalstory (Titel still open )

Reading and Lectures


- Poesie-Tage, (Poetry-Days Bern ( Texts und poems by Meret Oppenheim)


- Gallery Marlene Frei
(Power and Secret)


Power and Secret:

- Bookstore Comedia St. Gallen
- Literatureboat, Zürich
- Gallery Ute Parduhn. Düsseldorf
- Gallery Michelle Zeller, Bern
- Cinema Splendid (bookstore Stauffacher, Bern)
- Bookstore Lindwurm, Freiburg
(Texts, speach by Meret Oppenheim in the range of her Prize-reward, Basel 1975,)


- Radio Lora, Zürich


- Kartause Ittigen (Matinee) museum of Art of the kanton Thurgau, CH


- Radio Raabe, Bern
- Lyceum Club, Bern
- Lyceum Club, Zürich
- Institute for Modern Art, Nürnberg


- Gallery Seevorstadt, Biel
- Gallery Jörg Stummer, Zürich


- Press-Center Vitebsk, at the occasion of the celeberation 120 Years of Severonovich Cazimir Malevich (Presskonference) the "Manifesto on Synopsm" was recited by the artist Vasily Vasilyev from Vitebsk in russian language

About Love

Love is the root-force of all living and spirit. The source-energy leading towards differencation. The Love is free, has neither sex nor colour of skin Is not young nor old Has no confession nor is it member of any party Like art and poetry, love excites the interior of life. It is silent and speeks at the same time .

Suzanne Baumann, from the Notes to Live, 1985